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Technology plays a significant role in society today. At Pilton Infants’ we equip children with the skills of computational thinking so that they are able to participate effectively and safely as technology grows. One of our challenges is to keep updated with the pace of constantly evolving technology. Children become independent critical learners by exploring computer systems and by tinkering with new technology. Through this, children learn a wealth of computational language, which has links to mathematics, science and design. All children achieve through the use of stem sentences to support their thinking. They have access to a wide range of technology, including chromebooks, Ipads and bots to continually improve the skills they learn. We value the importance of keeping children safe online. We engage in esafety lessons, and we value being good digital citizens online. This ensures they become digitally literate and well-equipped for their future within the digital community beyond our school.


In EYFS we use the barefoot cas curriculum as our core curriculum. Barefoot cas planning links ELG’s with computing skills such as using logic, tinkering and collaboration. Teachers plan lessons based on offline computing skills, enabling students to use their offline learning in online lessons in KS1. These skills are crucial for children in EYFS to build on ready for year 1. 

As a school, we use NCCE ‘Teach Computing’ as our core curriculum. We value how NCCE spirals the curriculum so that each theme (computer science, digital literacy and information technology) are revisited at least once a year in each year group. This enables the children to make connections and it reduces the amount of knowledge lost through forgetting. Each lesson is sequenced so that it builds on learning from a previous lesson. Lesson are scaffolded so that all children can succeed, for example using visual prompts so they can reach the same learning goals as the rest of the class. Each lesson will lead with concepts, encourage working together, get hands on and lessons are structured to assess as we go along. We also value PRIMM when setting out programming lessons in class. 

We also ensure that e-safety is taught explicitly as well as being continuously embedded into all our lessons. Children all agree to and sign an Acceptable Use Policy at the beginning of the year to ensure they understand the expectations within lessons. Staff are updated yearly by SWGFL on how to support children with keeping safe online. Parents are updated and regularly given support through termly newsletters and through yearly workshops by SWGFL. 



Useful websites 

We have collated a list of useful websites and placed them in subject areas for ease of reference, together with websites to support parents.

This list is always growing so please keep looking at the website for ideas. 

PARENTS – Please be aware that the school has not vetted these sites, so please check their content prior to use by your family. The content is ever changing so the school accepts no responsibility for the content of these sites.