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Physical Education

Intent 1: All children receive high quality PE and dance learning. At Pilton Infants’ School:

Children will develop the skills, correct techniques and personal attributes to allow them to enjoy and participate in sport, competition and physical activity as they continue to grow.

  • We aim to inspire and develop the next generation of Olympic or elite athletes for whom competition is a key driver.
  • We also aim to inspire and develop the necessary skills for the vast majority to remain active and healthy, for whom fitness, participation, friendship and fun are the key drivers.

Children need to begin their journey towards being safe and confident swimmers, particularly living in North Devon.

Class teachers plan and teach with the Real PE and Real Gym programmes which as well as teaching physical skills also teach personal, social, cognitive, creative and health knowledge and skills. Children learn how to be good winners and losers.

High quality PE learning compliments high quality learning in all other areas of the curriculum creating more creative, independent and resilient learners.

Staff receive high quality training in order to deliver high quality learning for all children.

For those children that need extra support with their physical development we provide a FUNFIT programme to develop their gross motor skills.


Intent 2: All children experience a broad range of opportunities to develop skills and knowledge for an active and healthy lifestyle.

At Pilton Infants’ School:

Children learn about the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle, for both physical and mental wellbeing (e.g. heart health, self-esteem, confidence, strength, flexibility, coordination and resilience), to create the ‘habit’ of being active.

  • We provide a range of opportunities to inspire children and their families to become more active and healthy.
  • Children receive a wide range of opportunities to promote the fun that exercise, sport and being healthy can bring, to inspire them to keep being active.
  • Children receive a wide range of opportunities to help find activities that they enjoy and will continue with for years to come.