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Religious Education

Learning about cultural diversity and different religions is particularly important for our children living in North Devon so that we can broaden and enrich their experiences of the world. It is vital for all our pupils to learn about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. Through Religious Education, pupils develop their knowledge of the world faiths, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures. We celebrate and embrace diversity and difference within our school community.

We have a small number of children with different faiths and recognise each child as a unique individual. We do this for example, by creating class mosques, celebrating Eid and holding themed days such as India day where the children become totally immersed in the culture. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences. Our Religious Education curriculum is enhanced further with trips to places of worship in our local area. We use the RE Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus as the basis for our curriculum.