Our uniform is designed to suit an active curriculum and school life. We believe practical learning and physical activity are really important in helping us to learn.
All children should wear:
- A school jumper or cardigan is available from www.schoolthreads.org or Express embroidery & printing T: 01271342225 M: 07795683631 or email: wathen528@aol.com
- White polo shirt
- Black or dark grey shorts (appropriate length), leggings, jogging bottoms, skirt or dress
- Trainers (no plimsolls)
If wearing skirts/dresses or summer dresses, please ensure shorts or leggings are worn underneath so that children are dressed appropriately for PE.
Please ensure long hair is tied back, and only stud earrings are worn.
All uniform must be named.
Children should bring a named bag of spare clothes to leave on their peg in case they have an accident.
No PE kit is required.
Second Hand Uniform
We do have some pre-loved uniform available at the cost of £1 per item.
Our PTFA hold table-top sales of uniform regularly.
Please enquire at the office if uniform is urgently required.