New Children September 2025
New Children September 2025
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new parents, carers and children who will be joining us in September. We are really looking forward to meeting you and your children.
Our aim is to help the children feel safe and happy in their new school, and we will work together to ensure a smooth transition for you all.
Our Reception children are divided into two classes, Kingfisher Class and Otter Class. Each class has its own classroom and both classes also share an indoor role-playing area that is situated in between the classrooms. Each half-term, the role-play area changes to enhance the topic the children are learning at that time. Previous examples have included; the Giant's castle from Jack and the Beanstalk, the Rain Forest Cafe, Santa's Grotto and an African safari experience. Here the children from both classes play and learn together.
The children also share the outside learning space, which has a covered area as well as a large playground. Here, the children can enjoy large, physical play, for example, playing with bikes, hoops, balls, large construction equipment etc, as well as learning with sand and water.
The children also love learning in our Secret Garden area, where there is a large sandpit and an activity trail incorporating climbing and balancing, to develop their co-ordination and strength.
Please keep scrolling down the page for more information.
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Pilton Infants' School Early Years Foundation Stage Vision Statement
Meet the Staff
Our Foundation Stage has five members of staff who look after your children at Pilton Infants' School. We work as part of the wider school team to ensure a safe and caring environment for all the children. You may have many questions about starting school, and we hope that this page helps to answer them. All the staff are available to answer any other questions you may have as we go along our learning journey together. We are always happy to help and if we can't answer straight away, or we need more time to help, then we can make an appointment together. We will see each other regularly during the morning and after-school. We meet every term for interviews, and we also run regular workshops too.
Each of our staff has written a postcard so that you can get to know them a little better.
Mr Daunton Reception Teacher
Miss Francis Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hanshaw Reception Teacher
Mrs Bourn Reception Teacher
Mrs Saltearn Reception Teaching Assistant
Mrs Johnson Reception Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Sharing Stories
Learning to read is a very important part of your child's Reception learning journey. We will share lots more information about this in the Autumn term, when we invite you to attend some workshops.
In the meantime, the best thing you can do to help your child with reading, is to share lots of stories at home. Read bedtime stories, make up your own stories, read old favourites and change the ending.
Mrs Ruddick, one of our teachers, has started a channel on YouTube with some of our children's favourite stories. You can visit it at this link:
Or on Facebook at:
Below you will find some information about starting school with us.